Diagnosis: Part-Line Fill for Medical Doctor

This patient is a medical doctor in his 50’s who presented with a complaint of thinning along his natural part line. The patient had always parted his hair from left to right, but he found himself increasingly unable to do so. As his hair continued to thin, he lost the ability to style his hair normally and wanted to fix this. The patient had unsuccessful hair transplant procedures elsewhere in the past, so his donor area was limited. Because of this, and with his specific goals in mind, we decided to “weight” the transplant by focusing the grafts on the left side. We transplanted 1,500 grafts throughout the left side of his scalp and recommended that the patient let the new grafts grow slightly longer on this side. This approach allows us to create a larger cosmetic impact with a smaller number of grafts.  The patient grew the transplants out and used them to style as we strategically planned. He returned 12 months after surgery, and clearly the plan worked.